Spada Indonesia
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Sistem Informasi Manajemen
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Peserta akan mempelajari bagaimana menerapkan konsep dasar, prinsip, dan aplikasi teknologi informasi dalam menemukan solusi bisnis yang tepat secara cepat. Bobot = 3 SKS Capaian Pembelajaran Mampu menerapkan konsep dasar, prinsip, dan aplikasi teknologi informasi dalam menemukan solusi bisnis yang tepat secara cepat Dosen Pengampu Erman Arif, S.Kom.,
Operations Research
About This Course Operations research is an applied subject which began to form in 1940s. It mainly uses the method of quantitative analysis to study the operation law of the real system, so as to put forward the optimization model with common and typical significance, seek the method to solve the
Medical Virology
About This Course The course of Medical Virology is a bridge course connecting the basic and clinical medicine. The course aims to help students to learn viral infectious diseases in depth from the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, laboratory examination, treatment, prevention and control of related diseases. This course is designed and planned
New course mode in e-era | e时代的新课堂
The development of online education has brought opportunities and challenges for traditional teaching and learning. Nowadays it’s very important to learn about online education, which can help us study better and more easily. This course focuses on 5 themes: 1.interpreting online education 2.discussing why online education is needed 3.explaining the current
Road Subgrade and Pavement Engineering
About This Course is a core course of highway engineering. The course is divided into two parts: basic and engineering: the basic part includes traffic, environment, materials, drainage, subgrade stress and service capacity, pavement stress and service capacity; the engineering part includes roadbed design, asphalt pavement design, cement pavement design, and
Aesthetic Appreciation and Creation
About This Course This course not only explains aesthetics and aesthetic education theory, but also analyzes the phenomenon and form of beauty. It aims to help students understand aesthetic ideal and interest, cultivate their aesthetic care, and increase their aesthetic knowledge and improve their aesthetic accomplishment and quality in this "journey
Advanced Medical English
About This Course This course is designed for non-native English speaking medical students, medical professionals and basically anyone who are interested in improving their communicative skills in medical English. This course covers the following topics: the Hippocratic Oath, doctors’ rights in patient treatment, ethical dilemmas and policy choices of organ transplantation,
China's Tax System
About This Course This course systematically introduces the basic principles, theories and calculation methods of China's tax system. This course has 8 lectures and 52 fragmented knowledge points, covering introduction to tax, value-added tax, consumption tax, enterprise income tax, personal income tax, tariff, land value-added tax, real estate tax, etc. Students
Traditional Customs and Chinese Arts
About This Course Traditional customs and arts are the fundamental creativity of the achievements of Chinese civilization, and the overall form of moral inheritance, various cultural thoughts and spiritual concepts in the history of the nation. It is the bounden duty of every Chinese people to study and carry forward traditional
Fundamentals of ship welding production
First, Course content: This course includes six parts:Basic knowledge of marine materials;Basic knowledge of ship welding;Welding method;Welding quality inspection;Welding operation;Welding quality inspection operation。 Second,Learning objectives: 1. Knowledge goals: 1) Master the mechanical properties and heat treatment methods of metal materials, and master the designation method of marine materials; 2) Master the
Food Biochemistry
About This Course "Food Biochemistry" is a national excellent course in 2009 and a national excellent resource sharing course in 2013. The course relies on South China University of Technology-a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education. The university is affiliated with the 985, 211 project and the "Double
Tourism Policy and Planning
About This Course This course introduced the overview of tourism policy and planning. It systematically delivered the principles and procedures of tourism formulation and implementation. Aiming at a sustainable tourism development, tourism impact and special issues were discussed. After this course, the participants will enable to understand how the tourism policy
Data Structures and Algorithm Design Part I | 数据结构与算法设计(上)
About This Course Data structures play a central role in computer science and are the cornerstones of efficient algorithms. Knowledge in this area has been at the kernel of related curriculums. This course aims at exploring the principles and methods in the design and implementation of various data structures and providing
Osteology and traumatology of traditional Chinese medicine
Course introduction Introduction to the course: The development of orthopedics and traumatology of TCM has a long history, known as "royal surgeon", "incised wound", "fracture", "traumatic disease", etc., which is a clinical discipline integrating prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries and motor system-related diseases in various parts of the human
Acupuncture and Moxibustion
About This Course Acupuncture and moxibustion, the important component of Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM), have been used for thousands of years in the treatment and prevention of diseases and have accumulated abundant empirical experience. They mainly consist of four parts, meridians and collaterals, acupoints, techniques of acupuncture and moxibustion, and clinical application
Digital Mindset
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Dalam Industri 4.0 setiap karyawan dituntut untuk memiliki Digital Mindset sebagai bukti kunci keberhasilan Transformasi Digital yang bukan hanya dari besaran investasi di teknologi tetapi pada karyawan atau people yang ada di organisasi atau perusahaan tersebut. Digital Mindset bukanlah kemampuan untuk menggunakan teknologi, melainkan sikap dan prilaky yang
Digital Marketing
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Digital Marketing bisa juga disebut pemasaran secara online, adalah promosi merek atau bisnis untuk terhubung dengan pelanggan potensial menggunakan internet dan dengan bentuk komunikasi digital lainnya. Ini tidak hanya mencakup email, media sosial, dan iklan berbasis web, tetapi juga pesan teks dan multimedia sebagai saluran pemasaran. Pada dasarnya,
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Perpaduan antara belajar dan hiburan yang menyenangkan ini didasarkan pada sifat alamiah anak yang dalam kesehariannya membutuhkan waktu bermain dan hiburan. Sehingga konsep pembelajaran edutainment ini bisa membantu anak untuk belajar lebih efektif karena diterapkan dalam kondisi yang menyenangkan dan bebas dari tekanan. Dengan adanya edutainment juga dapat
Manajemen Pengetahuan dan Transformasi Digital
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Mata kuliah ini membahas konsep dan teori Manajemen Pengetahuan beserta fungsi-fungsi dalam proses Manajemen Pengetahuan. Mata kuliah ini juga membahas mengenai Transformasi Digital di organisasi dan konsep-konsep Penzing terkait Transformasi Digital. Capaian Pembelajaran Setelah mengikuti mata kuliah ini, pembelajar diharapkan dapat menguasai konsep-konsep terkait Manajemen Pengetahuan dan Transformasi
Kehumasan Siber
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Mata kuliah ini mengajarkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan proses kerja dari kehumasan siber dalam memproduksi sebuah rangkaian program kehumasan di berbagai platform digital, khususnya dalam pengelolaan social media Bobot SKS : 2 SKS Jenjang : Diploma Capaian Pembelajaran Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan dan melaksanakan proses kerja dari kehumasan siber dalam