Spada Indonesia
Indonesia Cyber Education Institute has partnered with Spada Indonesia to offer you high-quality learning opportunities from the world's best institutions and universities![](/images/icei/fdf2846a89d0feffd278b0df81ede737.jpg)
Evaluasi Pembelajaran Matematika
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Mata Kuliah Evaluasi Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Kode Mata Kuliah PEMA4302 menyajikan uraian dan contoh yang dikaitkan dengan masalah yang dihadapi sekolah terutama masalah penilaian. Setelah mempelajari Mata Kuliah ini, mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan hakikat evaluasi pembelajaran, melaksanakan penilaian terhadap semua kegiatan yang dibina dan dikembangkan di sekolah, mengembangkan alat
Game Project Management - Game Monetization
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Tujuan utama dari Modul Game proyek Manajemen ini adalah menyiapkan peserta pelatihan agar mampu melakukan analisis terhadap market game dan menentukan arah pengembangan game untuk Entertainment Game, atau Serious Game dan mengelola proyek game bisnis perusahaan. Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Menyusun analisis pasar dan rancangan model bisnis game
Carbon Neutrality: Why and How the World is Addressing Climate Change
About This Course The course covers the global transition to carbon neutrality, the facts and impacts of climate change, key emission reduction technologies for carbon neutrality, climate change and carbon neutral environmental co-benefits, climate change and the effect on health of carbon neutrality, climate change economics, China’s carbon market policies and
Clinical Physiology
Physiology studies normal functions of human body from different levels such as cells, tissues, organ systems and the whole body. Physiology is considered one of the most important basic sciences of medicine. Clinical physiology focuses on the most fundamental concepts in physiology relevant to clinical practice. It aims to help students
Future Automobiles
About The Course Under the global industrial technological reform featuring low-carbonization, electrification, intelligence, and connectivity, smart electric vehicles as mobile connected nodes, smart mobile terminals, as well as smart energy storage devices, have become a key unit in extensive smart transportation, smart city and smart energy system, affecting the future trends
Project-Based Action Learning
Course Description Students work on long-term projects – from a week to a semester – that involve them solving real-world problems or answering complex questions. They demonstrate their knowledge and skills by creating a product or public presentation for a real audience. As a result, students develop in-depth content knowledge as
Progress in Human Embryology
About This Course The "Progress in Human Embryology" is a science that studies the normal human development as well as birth defects in the maternal uterus. Bridges the gap between prenatal development and obstetrics, perinatal medicine, pediatrics and clinical anatomy Develops knowledge concerning the beginning of life and the changes occurring
Software Engineering
About This Course Course Software Engineering is a very important mandatory course, which lays a solid foundation for the following SE-series courses. The course introduces software crisis, the birth of Software Engineering, the basic concept, and Software Engineering Ethics and Professional Practice. The course explains the basic elements of Software Engineering,
University Physics - Electricity and Magnetism
About This Course Referring to the original English textbooks combined with the excellent domestic textbook, we are introducing the basic theories of electricity and magnetism in a clear and logical way. This course offers a comprehensive training of physics for students majoring or minoring in engineering. The scientific beauty of symmetry,
Writing, Presenting and Submitting Scientific Papers in English | 英文科技论文写作与学术报告
About This Course In this communications course, you will learn how to properly write a paper in English, cite references and give attributions. You will also learn how to choose research topics and write proposals for research funding. It is increasingly important that new scholars and students become familiar with, and
Human System Architecture
About This Course The development orientation of medicine in the future will be accurate medicine with patients as the center, information as the link, data as the driving force, and human-computer collaboration. It will take the promotion of accurate and efficient clinical diagnosis and treatment as well as disease prevention and
A Glimpse of Chinese Culture
About This Course "A Glimpse of Chinese Culture" covers 11 chapters, mainly including Chinese philosophy, Chinese literature, Chinese art, Chinese education, Chinese science and technology, Chinese Sports, Chinese Festivals, Chinese food, Chinese clothing, Chinese architecture, Chinese tourism, and so on. More than 20,000 Chinese and foreign learners from more than 90
Chinese Painting:The History and Comparison of Chinese Figure Painting
About This Course This course was lectured by Pan Wenxun (Associate Professor), and was jointly demonstrated by Wu Yongliang(Professor),Wu Shanming (Professor), Xu Mo (Professor), Sheng Tianye (Professor), Lin Wan (Associate Professor) and Deng Xianxian (Lecturer). Starting from the classic works of traditional Chinese figure painting, step by step and detail by
Chinese Flower-and-Bird Painting Classics Appreciation
About This Course Chinese Flower-and-Bird painting is an ancient form of art along with other kinds of Chinese art, this form of art has one of the most oriental characteristics and Chinese culture flavor in world culture treasure house. For thousands of years, Chinese Flower-and-Bird painting has left a large amount
Introduction to Big Data
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Big Data adalah kumpulan-kumpulan data besar dan kompleks serta volume data yang mencakup sejumlah besar data, kemampuan manajemen data, analitik media sosial, dan data waktu nyata. Analisis Big Data adalah proses memeriksa sejumlah besar data. Terdapat sejumlah besar data digital yang heterogen. Big Data adalah tentang volume data
Introduction to E-commerce
About This Course Dongbei University of Finance and economics is one of the 13 universities approved by the Ministry of education in 2000, which is one of the first batch of pilot e-commerce majors in China. It has a history of 17 years. It has the right to confer bachelor's, master's
Medical Imaging
About This Course Medical Imaging is a medical specialty that employs the use of imaging techniques like x-ray, computed tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Digital subtraction angiography (DSA), nuclear imaging and ultrasound, to diagnose and treat diseases and disorders. These imaging modalities have important roles in monitoring treatment and predicting
Critical Thinking and Critical Writing
About This Course This course aims for the development of learners’ proficiency in English writing and ability of critical thinking by integrating the knowledge and strategies of critical thinking into the traditional teaching about Englishargumentative essays. This course aims for the development of learners’ proficiency in English writing and ability of
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
About This Course Setting sail with the classic investment theory, this course delivers both fundamental and practical perspectives of discussion on investment. With the aim of getting the whole package of finance expertise ready for its audiences, this course covers the logic link between investment and risk, the function and mechanism
Survey of Major English-Speaking Countries
About This Course 1. to provide a common body of basic knowledge concerning the major English-speaking countries. 2. to enhance an understanding of the English culture and an awareness of our own culture. 3. to cultivate a basic awareness of cross-cultural differences and an appreciation for differences in cultural beliefs and