Tourism & Hospitality Organizations

  • 4.5/5.0
  • 12k Enrolled
  • All levels
  • Start 21 November 2025

Course description

During the course, we urge each of you to:

  1. read the materials provided as well as surf the net for more resources
  2. follow the schedule diligently
  3. participate in the face-to-face meetings
  4. participate in online discussion forum
  5. do the given assignment and submit it at the given time
  6. work collaboratively in group as well as work on individual basis

What you’ll learn
  • 1. Foundation of Management and Organization
  • 2. Global Management
  • 3. The Diverse Workforce
  • 4. Social Responsibility and Ethics
  • 5. Change and Innovation
  • 6 Decision Making
  • 7. Foundation of Planning
  • 8. Foundations of Organizational Design

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  • Lectures 30
  • Duration 4h 50m
  • Skills Beginner
  • Deadline 20 May 2026
  • Certificate Yes


  • 4.5/5.0